Welcome to The DQC Merch Store, your ultimate destination for a diverse range of products inspired by the profound teachings and rich intellectual heritage of Darul Qasim College. Our store, recently launched, is your go-to hub for stylish clothing, and a variety of merchandise that reflects the essence of our esteemed institution.


Immerse yourself in the spirit of Darul Qasim College with our exclusive clothing line and a wide array of merchandise.

At The DQC Merch Store, we embrace the meaning of "al-Qasim" as articulated by Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace): "I am a Distributor (Qasim) and Allah is the One who Gives." This principle extends beyond knowledge to include a diverse range of products that embody the essence of our intellectual legacy.


Our clothing and merchandise are not just items; they are a reflection of the transformative power of knowledge and the cultural richness of Darul Qasim College. Join us on this journey of enlightenment and express your connection to our institution through our carefully crafted products.


As we continually expand our offerings, we encourage you to visit The DQC Merch Store frequently to explore new additions to our collection. Thank you for being a part of our community, where knowledge meets style.